Is it me or has BET gone mad??? As most of us know, BET shows religious based programming for the majority of the day on Sundays up until around 1PM. This Sunday was just like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME???" Sunday. Around 2PM I was flipping channels and I happened to see Beef 1 or 2 on there (they showed all 3 of them back-to-back-toback so I don't know which 1 it was) and I see them talking about beef between 50 Cent and some guy he used to run with or whatever. It was just a bunch of he say/he say BS over why 50 didn't bail this guy outta jail that helped him out when he was dealing drugs and blah blah blah. Anyway here is my issue: HOW IN THE HELL ARE THEY GONNA SHOW THESE GUYS WITH GUNS ALL ON TV, POINTING THEM AT THE CAMERA, TALKING ABOUT THEY GONNA KILL HIM, BEAT HIS *** ETC. AFTER THEY HAVE THEIR "MORNING INSPIRATIONS"??? ON A SUNDAY NO LESS??? I just need to know am I wrong for seeing a problem with this or do some people out there feel as to what I am saying??
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